Band Kids: The Ultimate Guide

The watered down definition: A "Band Kid" usually refers to a socially awkward kid who is usually in a band class or in the marching band.

There are multiple types of Band Kids. Here is a guide on who to stay away from, who is okay, and who is safe to talk to.

Chronically Online

cringe band kid

THE Band Kid.

A reddit kid, some phrases they say “dat boi “smol bean” “oof” “do you watch call me carson?” Their whole personality is revolved around self depricating jokes and doing weird poses.

This is someone that basically lives and breathes a certain selection of memes. These types of ‘memes’ are usually deep fried, t-pose, bruh, 🅱️, thicc, Soviet Russia, roblox oof sound, 🅱️eter griffin, big chungus, Alexa play despacito, liek if u cride, etc. ‘Band kids’ stereotypically like beating it to Pokimane, watching Call me Carson, playing Minecraft, listening to monstercat, watching Reddit text-to-speech videos, PewDiePie, and a bunch of other weird shit.

Also known as the Reddit kid, band kids are defined by an obsession with Reddit, Pewdiepie, and gaming (particularly PC gaming and Nintendo switch), strange and awkward mannerisms, and a tendency to make weird poses, talk fast, and regurgitate old memes. They tend to also like anime and anime-related things (such as Pokemon games), and likely have an anime profile picture on their social networking accounts. Band kids are likely active on Discord and are often moderators on there and/or Reddit. They frequent r/pewdiepiesubmissions and r/dankmemes, and look down on those who use Instagram and TikTok as “normies.” This culture is common amongst kids in high school marching band (hence the name) but it is not limited to them. Band kid/Reddit kid culture may overlap with weeb culture and neckbeard culture, and is prominent amongst individuals beyond high school age. Think of the band kid as the neckbeard when they were in high school. Everyone knows at least 4 of these kids from high school.

For example:
Band kid 1: I just donated 500 dollars from my mom’s credit card to pokimane! keanu chungus wholesome 100 See you at band tomorrow!
Band kid 2: I can’t make it tomorrow big oof I’m gonna be busy playing Smash Bros on my Nintendo switch epic gamer moment. Do you think my cat is big enough for r/chonkers?
Band kid 1: bruh of course, you’ll be raking in the karma with that one soviet union national anthem

Here is a video example.

They also smell. And they're usually a brass player. Fuck brass.

Conclusion: Fucking run.

Quiet Kid

a quiet lil clarinet guy

Honestly, they're usually not that bad. But there are a few different types of quiet kids.

Socially Awkward and Introverted

These quiet kids are only quiet because they're socially awkward. This could be because they're socially anxious or introverted, but once they're comfortable, they're true personality comes out. Usually their actual personality is just really fucking weird, but they're more aware about it. They're also fucking nerds.

They're the good quiet kids because they deeply care about their friends and family and people around them, they just get scared. I like these people a lot, they're pretty cool :)

Conclusion: Safe and kinda cute tbh.

Secretly Hates Everyone

These quiet kids are quiet because they have a hidden god complex. They secretly think they're better than everyone, so they don't talk to anyone. Because everyone is too boring, wrong, or bad. They have a very specific worldview usually shaped by their unprocessed trauma. They care a lot about their image because they don't want to slip and stoop down to everyone else's level.

They don't care about people unless people have something to offer to them. Therefore, they suck.

Conclusion: Danger. Probably run.

Music Genius

a marching band brass boy

Fucking music gods. Extremely talented. Literal geniuses. Incomprehensibly smart. Counts in 3/2 time on their way to class. Deconstructs every song they listen to because music theory runs through their veins. Absolutely cracked on music juice 24 fucking 7. They usually talk about dimished triads and minor 5ths and why the composer wrote an E# instead of an F and cryptic shit like that. What the fuck does that even mean. How does it feel to have the knowledge of the entire universe in the wrinkles of your mind. Probably great. Bitch.

They're cool they just make me want to cry.

Conclusion: They're okay I guess.

Actually Funny

a flute player poking another flute player in the butt with their flute

These are the band kids that grew out of their Chronically Online Band Kid phase. They have successfully integrated into society. Congratulations. Now they're actually funny because they've been bullied and outcasted and hurt and heartbroken so much that they were forced to develop an actual personality. They are generally enjoyable to talk to and more on the mature and aware side. They end up being really awesome and successful people. Plus sometimes they're hot.

Conclusion: Really cool, go talk to them.

The Imposter

just a man standing

I'm really sorry I did not mean to make an amongus reference it's just the only word I could think of.

This person is the friend of a band kid. They just know someone in the band, their band friend convinced them to join, and now they're just there. They're kind of constantly confused. They just stand there wondering how they got there. They don't know what they've gotten themselves into. Eventually they will find out that joining band just killed any kind of positive social presence they've built.

Honestly, they're pretty cool. Usually friendly and accepting.

Conclusion: Safe. Maybe a little mid.

Other Websites

Check out the other websites my peers have been making! (they're not as cool as mine)

Poison Girlfriend
Elephant Fusion Cafe and Restaurant
Singles Inferno

Some text on this website was copied from the urban dictionary.

If you couldn't tell, I am a band kid. I am super cool and awesome and talented and funny and hot and intelligent so you should definitely talk to me. And my biggest green flag is I am not a smelly stinky brass player, I am a classy and refined woodwind. Fuck brass. Those loud ass bitches cover up my beautiful woodwinds. Anyway, stay safe.